Well, I've definitely shown myself what can happen when left to my own devices! I just can't settle on one outlet yet. It doesn't bother me though, as long as I'm purging the not-so-quiet thing that is my mind, I remain extremely happy and have a overwhelming sense of completeness. it makes me feel.....fulfilled! Also, UPDATE: I have settled on a direction for these blogs! Thank-you, Thank-you, no applause necessary. "Sincerely, The Cleaner" I will use primarily for creative writing including reviews, articles and other "information" related writing that may or may not involve research. My other blog, "The View From My Front Porch", will be solely used for projects that I've used other mediums for (painting, drawing, photography and crafting) and will also include poems. I know poems generally fall under the category of creative writing, but I just think the content of THIS blog and poems wouldn't be well matched. You see, most of what's here on "Sincerely, The Cleaner" is based on something I've read/watched and my poems are based on how I felt about the immediate world around me. I guess an easier way to put it would be: "Sincerely, The Cleaner" as a general rule of thumb is research based, "The View From my Front Porch" is environment based. One could argue that the things I read or watch ARE my immediate world around me, my environment, but, I actively seek them out. They don't just happen in the world around me, THAT's what my definition is, my environment by my definition is: things or events that occur naturally with no intervention or recruitment by me. So there you have it, take it or leave it but there it is!
The Cleaner
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