
Friday, January 27, 2012

My Week in Review

I have to say, this has been a very enlightening and creative week for me. I have discovered a new source for learning, Google+. What a world this has opened up for me. I have discovered so many like minded people here that offer ideas, support, new perspectives and even criticisms,....yes we all need it whether we dare to admit it or not! As I proceed with this new found virtual support system, I look forward to generating new friendships and connections that can only broaden my perspectives and heighten my senses artistically making me a more well rounded artist.
Also, I've been turning out paintings daily. This is new for me...I went from "having no time" to making myself make time to do the thing that truly makes me happy. I once thought that each piece had to be carefully planned, sketched in advance then executed. Such, is not the case. I've found that I merely have to put the brush to the palette and just go for it. I've created some of the best pieces, in my opinion, that I've ever done. My older work WAS carefully planned, it was good too but I'm finding that this method is instantaneously gratifying and is sparking some creativity that wouldn't be possible had I not done it this way. I'm still going to do "planned" work because I enjoy it as well, just gratifying in a different way. I think I'll use the analogy of a carpenter building a birdhouse or a bungalow. They would be satisfied with both completed projects, just....differently.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

It Ain't Easy...?

     Being green is way easier to be than we were taught as kids, once you know what meanings and definitions it has. The color green is motivating me fiercely today!!! It's not surprising, according to this article by Rodika Chi (and many other I referenced to be sure) green is the color of renewal, fresh energy, new/hopeful beginnings,  nature, tranquility and inspiration, to name a few. Also the color green's element is wood, it's mild out and foggy today, makes me think of Spring, Sping = new leaves=trees=wood ,hmph, no wonder everything I touch today is VERY green driven and inspired. I love Feng Shui, it has got to be one of my #1 motivators and inspirations.  I stumbled upon it several years ago put to use many of the practices, with intent of course, it does work, but your intentions literally drive everything you do with Feng Shui. When you place an object, paint a room, de-clutter a space or introduce an element it is imperative that you do it with specific intent. For example: When placing a purple accent rug in my area of wealth  to aid in obtaining better financial success, I need to be placing it there with that in mind and NO DOUBT, doubt brings negative energy to you and you're home and must not be in your mind at all. I am NOT an expert on the subject but try to apply it with respect and honesty in my everyday life. This is also why I have been *ahem* dare I say, nagging my husband to help to make room in the budget for paint. My house is almost entirely brown, which is nice and earthy but I NEED COLOR!!!! Not only from a creative perspective but also from a Feng Shui perspective. That being said, I'm off to paint, alas not my walls, but hopefully something to hang on them!

The Cleaner

My thanks and link credits to: - Circle of Light
                                      - Rodika Tchi

My Own Devices

     Well, I've definitely shown myself what can happen when left to my own devices! I just can't settle on one outlet yet. It doesn't bother me though, as long as I'm purging the not-so-quiet thing that is my mind, I remain extremely happy and have a overwhelming sense of completeness. it makes me feel.....fulfilled! Also, UPDATE: I have settled on a direction for these blogs! Thank-you, Thank-you, no applause necessary. "Sincerely, The Cleaner" I will use primarily for creative writing including reviews, articles and other "information" related writing that may or may not involve research. My other blog, "The View From My Front Porch", will be solely used for projects that I've used other mediums for (painting, drawing, photography and crafting) and will also include poems. I know poems generally fall under the category of creative writing, but I just think the content of THIS blog and poems wouldn't be well matched. You see, most of what's here on "Sincerely, The Cleaner" is based on something I've read/watched and my poems are based on how I felt about the immediate world around me. I guess an easier way to put it would be: "Sincerely, The Cleaner" as a general rule of thumb is research based, "The View From my Front Porch" is environment based. One could argue that the things I read or watch ARE my immediate world around me, my environment, but, I actively seek them out. They don't just happen in the world around me, THAT's what my definition is, my environment by my definition is: things or events that occur naturally with no intervention or recruitment by me. So there you have it, take it or leave it but there it is!

The Cleaner

Monday, January 16, 2012

Low Income Response

     Browsing the current headlines today I got inherently tired of the droll of chaos, financial destruction, and yet another celeb with an outlandish (and sometimes just cruel) baby name and turned to "life" stories. Like "How to Save Money", "How to Eat Healthy", "How to Pick the Perfect Pet", "10 Things You Should Know.." well, you get the idea. Stuff you'd find in parenting mags and whatnot. At first, sifting through the titles was....interesting until, I realized something that I ultimately already knew. These articles, particularly the first title, aren't geared to the "every-man/woman". They are, without question, geared towards the middle to upper class citizens of the world.   Which is fine, but where's the articles for the people just getting by with a push? How do THEY save money they don't already have? I mean, they could cut back on dining out, brown-bag lunches, grow a garden, shop at thrift stores and budget their money, like many articles suggest, but in most cases they don't really GO out to eat and generally already DO these things, if they didn't they'd definitely be out on the streets...hungry, I should know, we have just recently found ourselves in a position where occasionally it's considered OK to treat ourselves, extremely occasionally. We have definitely spent our share of time living paycheck-to-paycheck wondering every day how we were doing it when the "pay-outs" were excessively greater than the "pay-ins". This in mind, I ventured on a bit of a treasure hunt, if you will, to find those "diamonds in the rough" that have some valid information and ideas for those out there who struggle every day and wince when they go to the mailbox, and junkmail brings on a welcome *sigh* of relief.

Photo courtesy of
Noteworthy Sites
     Here I've compiled a list of sites that have some viable information worth looking at. There are many sites with cost saving tips for low-income earners but most of them have the same regurgitated information that are although relevant but, as I stated above, we already do. So, though it's a short list, I've sifted through them best I can to save you the trouble and tried to include a detailed review where possible.

Living the Low-Income Life (and doing it well)
     Hands down the most informative blog I've ever seen. Shannon, the author provides so many ideas, tips and useful information in her blog it's near impossible to sum them up. From business ideas, to energy saving tips, to frugality she's got it all. Why is it relevant information? Because she's one of us. She's had to live this way out of necessity and has chosen to share her ideas, which sometimes translate into life experiences, to help ANYONE living this way, be it out of need or want. Definitely worth an in-depth look.

Tax Credit Calculator
     Not an information on money saving tips but a calculator for Ontario Citizens to determine different tax credits they could be eligible for, some I didn't know existed.