
Friday, January 27, 2012

My Week in Review

I have to say, this has been a very enlightening and creative week for me. I have discovered a new source for learning, Google+. What a world this has opened up for me. I have discovered so many like minded people here that offer ideas, support, new perspectives and even criticisms,....yes we all need it whether we dare to admit it or not! As I proceed with this new found virtual support system, I look forward to generating new friendships and connections that can only broaden my perspectives and heighten my senses artistically making me a more well rounded artist.
Also, I've been turning out paintings daily. This is new for me...I went from "having no time" to making myself make time to do the thing that truly makes me happy. I once thought that each piece had to be carefully planned, sketched in advance then executed. Such, is not the case. I've found that I merely have to put the brush to the palette and just go for it. I've created some of the best pieces, in my opinion, that I've ever done. My older work WAS carefully planned, it was good too but I'm finding that this method is instantaneously gratifying and is sparking some creativity that wouldn't be possible had I not done it this way. I'm still going to do "planned" work because I enjoy it as well, just gratifying in a different way. I think I'll use the analogy of a carpenter building a birdhouse or a bungalow. They would be satisfied with both completed projects, just....differently.