
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Information Superhighway

     I guess it is! I mean I've used the internet for a variety of reasons but more recently I have been using it to promote my home business website. There is SO much information to sift through, I think I officially have screen-burn! There is a lot of great information out there but the hard part is sifting through the bad information and the spam information to get to the credible information. Is there some world record for how many times someone used the word information in a sentence? because I think I just broke it!
     Through my journey I have learned about SEO and online marketing and submitting and linking and yedda yedda yedda. It's all sage advice though and I have gotten more traffic by following the pertinent information. Networking works! So I am not mocking or knocking it, and I love to learn I just wish that there was a way to find this information with out having to go through the jerks out there that are merely using the above topics AS THEIR SEO! What I say to them is something my dearest partner, future husband always says "you just gotta fight that laziness!"
The Cleaner

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sorted Out!

     Well I think I finally got the whole thing sorted out. I now have a new blog "The View From My Front Porch" up and running. It's mostly the same content that was on the page I had originally added to THIS blog (which is now removed) but now it's not nearly as confusing for you the reader to read, and me the poster to lay-out. Now if only I could get the posts to list in reverse order. I detest the "recent post first" format. I've tried the only two methods I could find to no avail. Oh well, there are worse things I suppose.
The Cleaner

Friday, February 4, 2011

Changing Already

      Well after just spending the last 2 hours trying to edit my page "The View From My Front Porch:" and still being completely unsatisfied with it, I think that I'll have to break down and just create another blog for art purposes. I really was hoping I could keep all of my workings in one central location but it looks like I am going to have to have three or four. Apparently I thought the page feature was a very different entity than what it really is. I'll post when it's ready.

Damn the Proverbial Man

     Well there was a "hoorah" in the form of tap, tap, tappity, tap, (from myself included) today following the decision to delay the CRTC's decision to force ISP's, large and small, to bill customers by usage or BBU. (you can see CTV's story on this here)
     I feel a sense of not releif, maybe a bit of victory, but mostly "damn the man", for now. These corporate giants, to me, are like the bullies in the consumer world.
     Now, lets put this into perspective. A creative "scenario" if you will. You are looking for a place to rent. You have many options, a large apartment complex, a room in a house or shared accommodations, part of a house, or an entire house. Each choice has their own benefits. In the case of the apartment complex and room,  you wouldn't be paying extraneous amounts in rent and utilities THE SACRIFICE: lack of privacy and

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I Knew It!!!

     I absolutely knew that if I merely started a blog it would fuel some creative thinking and true to form, it has. I now have so many ideas about topics I could write about, elements to add within mind is quite frankly on overdrive! Well, to be honest it usually is ALWAYS on overdrive. I'm enthralled now, though, that I can put these overdriven ideas into material items, or, blogs. It got so bad yesterday that I actually started